The most obvious truth concerning the Vibrating Cup Mill is: it has stood the test of time and is still EFFECTIVE! There is hardly any other mill faster at grinding hard and brittle materials down to analytical fineness is so easy to clean!
The grinding set is set on a vibrating disk with a quick-release clamping system. The disk vibrates in a horizontal circular motion which results in the grinding set exerting both high impact and frictional forces on the sample being ground.
Fast dry and wet grinding of hard, brittle as well as fibrous materials down to analytical fineness without weight loss is achievable. The recommended feed size of 12 mm is significantly exceeded by many users. Even a feed-size of 20 mm is not uncommon. Final fineness of the x50 value down to 5 μm can be achieved.
We recommend hardened steel or chromium-free tool steel grinding sets for most applications. For extremely hard samples grinding sets made of hardmetal tungsten carbide should be used. For glass and ceramics are grinding sets made of zirconium oxide suitable and for soil samples agate grinding sets.
Motor output is not the complete answer - but even more important is the transfer of energy to the sample material being ground. Because of this, as the first company worldwide, we have developed a special motor equipped with an especially interference-resistant, torque-optimised frequency converter. It ensures that the motor output is precisely matched to the grinding material and grinding set.
The PULVERISETTE 9 grinding sets, which have been considerably reduced in weight, are placed at an optimised working height on a practical guide rail and then easily moved to the final position. Ergonomically perfect for your back!
Objective: A single electronic component of approx. 5 mm length with two long contacts of approx. 20 mm. Planetary ball mills, vibratory mills and cutting mills did not succeed or were too large. The Vibrating Cup Mill with 50 ml hardmetal tungsten carbide grinding set guarantees fast and loss-free comminution.
Climate discussion is currently the number one topic. Grinding worn out solar cells so that they can be compressed into a tablet with an absolutely compressed and smooth surface is a difficult task. Planetary ball mills exhibit the phenomenon described above for activated charcoal. Only a Vibrating Cup Mill using a hardmetal tungsten carbide grinding set offers a solution here. After three minutes a sample was taken and the slightly condensed material removed from the walls of the grinding cup. After two additional minutes a powder was obtained which could be pressed to a tablet according to the requirements.
Blue curve 3 minute grinding Red curve 5 minute grinding
Tab. 1: Distinctive specific values
d10 d50 d90 100%
3 min grinding 0,6 µm 8,0 µm 35,0 µm < 65 µm
5 min grinding 0,4 µm 3,0 µm 15,5 µm < 35 µm
In summary it can be stated that anyone who must reduce extremely quickly hard and brittle and even fibrous materials to analytical fineness combined with ease of cleaning should look no further than the FRITSCH Vibrating Cup Mill PULVERISETTE 9. Already after three minutes the ground sample is for most analysis sufficiently fine enough.