Your personal contacts: In Russia are two FRITSCH application consultants at your service: Mr. Alexander Ionin will be more than glad to assist you in finding exactly the right laboratory instrument for your specific application.
Mr. Dmitry Dankin will advise you on installation, maintenance and repair as well as on all technical application questions.
Our contacts in Russia are also responsible for the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.
Training und Workshops: Mr. Dankin will conduct application and product trainings for FRITSCH laboratory instruments at your site or at convenient locations. Just ask him!
Individual sample grinding, sieve analysis or particle analysis: Sample comminution and particle analysis are conducted directly in our laboratory in Moscow. Simply print and complete the form and mail it together with your sample to Mr. Dankin and he will mail you your individual grinding respectively analysis report. Our download forms:
Comminution in laboratory mills
Sieve analysis
Particle analysis